RIE® Parent-Infant Guidance™ Classes &

Online Parent Guidance™ Classes

MONDAYS - 6017 NE Sandy Blvd.

Fall 2024 Session: 10/14-12/2 (8 weeks)

10-11:30am Older Toddlers (Walking kiddos ~ 24-36ish months) *2 spots available

Families may enroll in an existing session at any time (no need to wait until a new session begins).

If a class you’re interested in is full please fill out the enrollment form in order to be added to the waitlist.

12-1:30pm Infants *2 spots available


Fall 2024 Session: 10/9-12/11 (no class 10/16 or 11/27)

7:15-8:30pm PST RIE® Parent Guidance™ (adults only) *1 spot available

“A respectful beginning is an investment in the future of the relationship between your child and you, your child and others, and in your child’s exploration of the world.”
-Magda Gerber, Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE®) Founder

Growing Together Classes

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I have been facilitating Parent-Child classes since March 2020. We were able to meet once in person before we transitioned to Zoom. I recognized that parents/caregivers would need a forum (now more than ever) to join together in community and learn with and from one another about respectful, intentional caregiving while also weathering the realities of living and caregiving during a global pandemic. 

We continued to meet virtually through 2020 and half of 2021 before deciding as group to begin meeting in person outdoors. It was truly a delight to join together in person once again and be able to observe the children interacting with their environment and one another. This cohort recently “graduated” as the children are now turning three but the lasting relationships that evolved out of that group have been truly inspiring to watch.

I began a few new cohorts in 2022 and 2023. Each new cohort offers such wonderful opportunities to get to know new families, watch relationships unfolding, and discover the best ways to support both parents and children. 

Class Rhythm 

The rhythm of certified RIE® Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes focuses largely on observation and modeling the use of selective intervention in interactions between children.

In each class we will ensure there is time for:

  • “Warming in” time - adults can check in about the week, children can transition into being in the space

  • Quiet observation - we’ll start with a shorter observation and gradually lengthen it as we become more comfortable with the practice

  • Discussion about what we observed

  • Parents/carers are welcome to bring questions / topics of discussion to the group

  • Snack time (beginning around 12 months)

  • “Easing out” / saying goodbye / cleaning up

The class will follow an emergent curriculum model that will thoughtfully scaffold the unfolding growth of both children and their parents/carers. The physical environment will be tailored to support the interests and developmental tasks of the children while our inquiry and guided discussions will be responsive to the needs of parents/carers.   

In the beginning, when the infants are young and not very mobile, parents/carers will place their children on the rug and sit close by; I will have minimal direct contact with the infants. Parents/carers are encouraged to act as they would if they were at home--observing the infant and attuning to their needs such as diapering or feeding. As infants develop and become more mobile, the circle widens and the children are able to initiate separation if and when they are comfortable, developing trust, security and confidence. Parents/carers are encouraged to sit in one place in the room, providing children with a secure base from which to explore. The more cautious children who may prefer to stick closer to their parent/carer are still participating in the group through observation and will venture out at their own pace.

My role in mobile infant and toddler classes (where children begin physically interacting with one another) is to demonstrate the Educaring approach during these interactions, ensuring that contact is enjoyable for both/all children and that everyone stays safe. Eventually, as the children approach one year of age, snack time will be introduced, providing an opportunity to model age-appropriate discipline through consistent expectations and limits.

The classes continuously enroll in 8 week sessions so children and families are able to develop and nurture lasting connections with one another over time. 

Environment set up for Parent-Infant class (young infants) at Wild Lilac Child Development Community, Summer 2021.

Sliding scale pricing options

$200-400 per 8-week session

You can read more about the sliding scale here.

Families may enroll in an existing session at any time (as space allows), with prorated tuition.