Now enrolling for Spring 2025 - classes begin 3/10!

Supporting, empowering & collaborating with families

Photo by Zaya Odeesho

Photo by Zaya Odeesho

Growing Together: Parent-Child classes

These classes offer a forum for parents/caregivers to join together in community and learn with and from one another about respectful, intentional caregiving inspired by the teachings of Magda Gerber.  Read more

Respectful Parenting

A little about my Caregiving Philosophy:

The quality of the connection between a child and their parent(s) and/or caregivers is the foundation upon which the child is able to understand themselves, how they exist in relation to others and how they experience the world in general. Children do not expect or require perfection but they deserve intention. My goal is to support families in this process by helping build knowledge and confidence though 1-on-1 consulting sessions and parent-child classes. Read More

My Offerings & Services

Laurel Johnson, MSW, RIE® Associate has worked with children and families for more than two decades as an early childhood educator, caregiver, social worker, community college instructor, and as a RIE®-trained ( parent educator and class facilitator.

Laurel Johnson Consulting offers a range of supportive services to children and families in the Portland metro area. In addition to offering Parent-Infant classes inspired by the teachings of Magda Gerber, Laurel collaborates with families to design developmentally appropriate live-play environments for children in their homes. She is dedicated to nourishing whole-child development through beautiful environments that invite learning, support independence and inspire creativity.


Over the past two decades, I’ve worked with dozens of children and families and know just how tough it can be to provide children with thoughtfully organized spaces. Whether it’s time, energy or finances (or a combination of these), it makes sense that children’s spaces often fall behind on the never-ending list of parental priorities.

I would love to work with your family to design a supportive, enriching and serene “yes” environment to save your sanity and best support your child’s development. I will help identify and implement simple yet crucial modifications to encourage the behaviors you want to see.

By reducing clutter and setting up a developmentally appropriate environment for your children you can:

 Contact us  

to see what services might benefit your family.